Superresolution with mNeonGreen
mNeonGreen is Allele's newest monomeric fluorescent protein. Aside from being about 3-fold brighter than EGFP, mNeonGreeen also performs much better as a superresolution (SSMS) tag, typically enabling localization of 4-fold more single protein molecules on average than EGFP.
Below are some side-by-side comparisons of SSMS images acquired for identical constructs using mEGFP and mNeonGreen (number of molecules localized shown below each image; scale bars are 5 microns).
All images were acquired using a Zeiss Elyra PS.1 microscope, and data were processed using the PALM analysis module available in the Zen 2010D software. Initial power of the 488-nm excitation laser ranged from 15.1-31.9 mW/cm2 to drive the majority of the molecules into a dark state, followed by the imaging of single emitters at lower intensities of approximately 3.05-6.08 mW/cm2 for the remainder of each experiment. Full details on these experiments, along with many more SSMS images, can be found in our recent Nature Methods publication (Download PDF).