Licensing Allele's Fluorescent Proteins

Academic/Non-profit Site Licenses

Allele is excited to announce a pioneering new model for non-profit licensing of our industry-leading fluorescent proteins: comprehensive site licensing.

With a comprehensive site license, your entire academic department or institution gains access to one or more of our fluorescent proteins for one simple licensing fee, at a fraction of the cost of buying individual plasmids for every lab. With a site license, you are free to share the original fluorescent protein plasmids or any derivatives that you create with all labs covered by the license. Additional benefits included at no additional cost in an Allele site license include:

  • Access to every published construct derived from the licensed FP by a non-profit licensee
  • Archiving of your own derivatives, such as expression plasmids and fusion constructs
  • Distribution of your archived constructs to other non-profit licensees (including MTA handling)
  • Facilitation of collaborations between non-profit licensees (e.g. for sharing of unpublished constructs)

Depending on your individual needs, we also offer add-ons to our site licenses, including custom subcloning to help convert your older fluorescent protein fusions (e.g. to switch out EGFP with mNeonGreen) or setting up collaborations for performing specialized imaging experiments.

The cost of site licensing is currently $100 per lab for departments or institutions with a minimum of ten (10) labs.  If your department is smaller than this, or if you would like a quote please email  Additionally, if any members of your department have purchased individual licenses, upon department / site licensing individual license fees will be credited back to the users.  For more information, see Allele Biotechnology's FP licensing page

In an effort to increase our licensing transparency and help promote collaboration between users of our fluorescent proteins, we now provide our active license list.  Here we will disclose the users of our fluorescent proteins.  If you are a licensed user of one of our fluorescent proteins and do not appear on this list please contact us immediately at 

Organization / Institution


Investigating Laboratory

Protein(s) Licensed

The Max Planck Institute The Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology  O.G. mNeonGreen
Osaka University The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Resarch T.N. mNeonGreen
St. Jude Children's Hospital Biochemistry  J.O. mNeonGreen
University of Michigan Biology K.V. mNeonGreen
Mount Sinai Hospital Cell Biology D.D. mNeonGreen
Stanford University Biology M.S. mNeonGreen
Harvard University Molecular and Cell Biology N.K. mNeonGreen
Tokyo University of Science Biomedical Sciences T.N. mNeonGreen
University of British Columbia Botany A.L.S. mNeonGreen
Tokyo Institute of Technology Biological Macromolecules M.T. mNeonGreen
Peking University Biology C.T. mNeonGreen
Institute of Molecular Biotechnology Biology D.G. mNeonGreen
Institute of Developmental Biology of Marseille-Luminy Biology M.M. mNeonGreen
RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology T.K. mNeonGreen
Molecular Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology Departmental License mMaple, mClavGR3, mClavGR2

Commercial Licensing

Allele offers highly competitive licensing terms for commercial use of our fluorescent proteins. Switch your company from expensive, outdated technology to Allele's cutting-edge fluorescent proteins and take advantage of our industry-leading expertise! For more information, contact us today at or submit your info at our commercial licensing page.

6404 Nancy Ridge Drive

San Diego, CA 92121

Phone: 858-587-6645, 800-991-7624